Contact us

Our head office is located by Lulea's old dockmaster's office, conveniently located in central Luleå, near Storgatan and the bus stops on Smedjegatan. The Boden office is located on Drottninggatan in central Boden, where we share offices with Formsmedjan.


If you have any further questions or a project that you would like to discuss with us please contact one of us:

Nils Liljebo Project Manager, Office Manager Luleå
Nils Liljebo
Office Manager Luleå
+4670 - 366 91 00
Niklas Granljung Head of Architecture
Niklas Granljung
Head of Architecture
+4670 - 255 96 82
Jonas Pettersson Head of Structural Engineering
Jonas Pettersson
Head of Structural Engineering
+4670 - 553 97 09
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